EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (HRM04)Duration3 DAYSFormat Online Apply Now Overview The focus of this course is on the fundamental skills necessary to achieve personal success and pursue self-improvement. The course guide individuals towards becoming aware of their inner resources, in order to…
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND TEAM BUILDING (HRM03) Duration 3 DAYS Format Online Apply Now Overview Transformational leaders have a tremendous impact on the organizations and people they lead, as they have the ability to empower teams to grow and work together,…
ADVANCE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM02)Duration3 DAYSFormat Online Apply Now Overview In many successful organizations, HR is accountable for achieving tangible quantitative and qualitative results, and this ensures that human capital is a source for ensuring sustainability and healthy competition. Employees…
HR ANALYTICS AND METRICS Duration 3 DAYS Format Online Apply Now Overview Some of the most common questions that HR personnel constantly ask themselves are largely woven around matters relating to analytics and metrics methodology. Questions like, “how do I…