SUSTAINABLE MARKETING AND DRIVING BUSINESS PERFORMANCE (MKT02)Duration2 DAYSFormat Online Apply Now CONTENT STRATEGIC MARKETING AND MANAGEMENTMarketing Concepts- A comparisonPillars of sustainable marketingConsumerism and environmentalismSocial critics of marketingMarketing ethics and malpracticesCUSTOMER ORIENTED MARKETING/PHILOSOPHYMarket Place- A new orientationCustomer centrismCustomer relationship management- The…
STRATEGIC MARKETING FOR BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE (MKT01)Duration2 DAYSFormat Online Apply Now CONTENT STRATEGIC MARKETING AND MANAGEMENTStrategic Management – Understanding the BasicsAVUCA World – Business Operating EnvironmentMarketing Strategy — The 5Ws and HStrategic Customer ConceptsEnvironmental Scanning — Key Analytical Tools (PESTEL, SWOT…